Local Search Engine Optimization Services

Increase the number of leads over time.

Local SEO Services for Your Business.

Ever wonder why you need a SEO guy?

There are over 40,000 searches on Google per second, 3.5 billion a day, and 1.2 trillion a year in 2012 alone. (please take some time to process this data...)

Search Engine Optimization is the process of figuring out Google's algorithm and taking actionable steps for a website to show up on the first page/ first position for a targeted keyword on Google's SERP (search engine results page).

SEO is a long-term investment to increasing free traffic to your website for what people will type into Google, whether it is a question, a need, or a want, the purpose is to get that person to see you as a local authority in your niche.

Unlike Paid Search, you can't just pay to be at the top of the SERP, and get instantaneous results, SEO can take up to 3 months....

However, this shouldn't discourage you from your FREE SEO Audit.

Search Engine Optimization just takes time; Google wants to know if everything is done naturally....


So what will make this work?

Our local search engine optimization package will get you your fair share of the market to get ranked on the first page/first position for targeted searches that numerous people are actually typing into Google.

What's Included in the SEO Package?

Keyword Research

We will begin the process by using Google's Keyword Planner in order to find how many people search for certain terms. We will then use Moz's Open Site Explorer to determine the keyword difficulty. Initially, we will be going after low to mid competition keywords, and depending upon your Domain Authority & Page Authority, we can even target highly competitive keywords. 

Local Competition Analysis

For Search Engine Optimization, it is a great idea to look at what the competition is doing, since it will give us more insight into the industry to make minor changes that will have a major impact in your rankings. Competition analysis also includes figuring the level of difficulty with keywords, since a quarter of the battle is choosing the right keyword for your local business.

On-Page Optimization

Are your H1 tags, ALT tags, meta data, and content inline with the keywords that you are trying to target? Are you stuffing your keywords? How about having internal links throughout your website? All of these will be included in your Free Search Engine Optimization AuditThese simple, minor changes on the CMS (content management system) that will allow Google to see what your website is about, which in-turn will boost your rankings.

Off-Page Optimization

Do NOT...I repeat...DO NOT let anyone purchase links to your website. Google will find out and you will get the 'Google Slap' (it can happen to anyone). Google is getting smarter & smarter everyday, we cannot trick Google, so don't try. Half of local search engine optimization is finding ways to build natural backlinks and naturally connecting with people in order to boost your website rankings. We will build backlinks with the concept of 'link diversity', so you won't be penalized.

Guest Blogs

SEO is about connecting with the right people with the right Domain Authority / Page Authority in order to utilize their respective rankings to boost your own. However, this take skills because most bloggers don't want petulant people asking to write blogs for them. They want valuable content that would help their blog. If you are a plumber we aren't going to find a guest blog topic dealing with fixing cars. We will find and reach the right bloggers in order to receive a few backlinks that will boost your rankings.

Local Listing Directories

Having backlinks on local listing directories is a valuable asset to have to improve website rankings. The beauty of accumulating these back links is that it will add authority to your website; however, with 'link diversity' we cannot have just directories as backlinks.

Google Analytics Integration & Search Console

We know the importance of having data driven action. If you don't have an Analytics account, then we will set you up with one. If you do have an Google Analytics account, then we will link your Google Webmaster Tools and Search Console. Having Search Console will allow us to see what people type into Google from the organic source.

Transparent Reporting

Tired of not knowing how your company is performing with Search Engine Optimization? We generate reports for you through Google Data Studio, and you will have full access to your Analytics account to see the data being accumulated.

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Why Decisive Digital Marketing?

It's simple.

We care about YOU!

We want to drive free traffic to your website & generate leads.

We want your local business to thrive & our business relationship to grow into something wonderful.

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Google Ads Management

PPC can instantly deliver you results. You just need somebody that knows how to manage an account for you.

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Facebook Advertising

Marketing on Facebook is not only meant to generate engagement. Did you know that it could also generate leads for you?

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Do You Have Your Fair Share of the Market?



We Will Analyze Your Google Rankings RISK-FREE!