Discover How You Can Get More Leads with Google Ads

You Pay-Per-Click When People Are Searching for Your Services.

Google Ads Management Services

Ever wonder how Google Ads and other similar platforms work to grow your business?

When thinking about Google Ads management, you pay for ads that people click. If people see your ad online and do not click on a well crafted message, then it is a free look at what your brand has to offer. However, if they decide to click they are taken to a landing page where an offer will be made to capture their information or proceed with a checkout (e-commerce).

Managing Google ads and these targeted marketing platforms are not tasks for the faint of heart. You need to target the right keywords for your business, write a brilliant ad to capture attention, send people to the right landing page, and scale this for your entire business. Not only that, but once you get enough data the bids must be adjusted, and that is only scratching the surface.

If you don't have time to manage your own account, and want to gain valuable leads for your business, then request a FREE Audit of your Google Ads account to see if you are on track to gaining the most leads possible.

What is included in the free Google Ads audit?

There is a 9-point check-up system that we look at which includes campaign settings, campaign structure, keyword match types, negative keywords, keyword bids, split testing, landing pages, and conversion tracking.

How will your Google Ads Management services generate leads?

Our comprehensive PPC management services will get you the leads for your local business by serving the right ads, to the right people, at the right time.

What's Included in PPC Management?

Industry & Keyword Research

We want to make sure that you are going to get the best results from your PPC ad campaigns, so we want to understand your industry and business in order to make the correct initial selection of keywords. These first set of keywords are just the beginning; through the Search Terms report we find relevant keywords to add.

Negative Keyword Research

Not only are we looking for what keywords to target, we want to ensure you that we will find as many irrelevant search queries. This way we will save you from wasting money on terms that have no chance of generating a lead. This will also increase the quality score of targeted keywords to have lower costs and have a higher return. This is the most important optimization within any pay-per-click management.

Competitive Research

There will be an initial analysis of the competition through Google searches in order to understand what other businesses are offering that would entice a customer/client. Once data has been accumulated, we will look at auction insights to determine how well we are competing, and analyze their respective accounts.

Campaign Build Out

We believe in getting granular with campaigns. The broader the campaign the less control. Campaigns are built on themed services/products. While Ad Groups are built on themed keywords with the right match type. We believe in focused keywords with certain the following match types broad match modified, phrase, & exact.

Ad Copy A/B Testing

After we understand your vertical and select the right keywords to be grouped together, we will begin the process of writing the industry standard of 3 expanded text ads. Then after enough data has been accumulated, we will analyze for CTRs, Conversion Rates, and Cost / Conversions in order to create optimized, new ads.

Strategic Bid Management

Like any smart marketer, we make data-driven bid adjustments based on conversion data by filtering through location, hour of day, day of week, etc. These strategic bids are an effort to control the advertising cost, so that we are serving the right ad, to the right person, at the right time. 

Remarketing & RLSAs

We don't charge extra for Remarketing Campaigns like many other agencies. This begins with creating audiences in Google Ads/Analytics, and serving strategic, targeted ads. Also, there are no additional fees for Remarketing List for Search Ads either, which is apart of our comprehensive paid search campaigns.

Google Analytics Integration

We know the importance of having data driven action. If you don't have an Analytics account, then we will set you up with one. If you do have a Google Analytics account, then we will link together Google Ads & Analytics in order to track your leads. Setting goals in Analytics is an integral part of data analysis by capturing the data.

Transparent Reporting

Are you constantly worrying about whether your ads are performing?  You will be receiving weekly updates on the performances & an end of month report pulling from both Google Ads & Analytics utilizing Google Data Studios

Like What You're Seeing?   Let's Get to Know Each Other >

Why Choose Decisive Digital Marketing For PPC?

It's simple.

We care about YOU! 

We are not going to waste your money.

We want you to pay the right amount to generate leads for your business.

We want your company to thrive & our relationship to grow into something wonderful.

Don't Forget About Our Other Digital Marketing Services...

Facebook Lead Generation

There is a difference between gaining 'Likes' and generating 'Leads'. We get targeted leads, not just likes.

Discover The Power of Facebook

Search Engine Optimization

The long-term goal is to drive traffic to your website, while getting valid leads without paying for Ads.

#1 Ranking is Achievable

Getting Enough Leads With PPC?



We Will Analyze Your Account RISK-FREE!