Local Digital Marketing Services

See How You Can Generate Leads.

Digital Marketing Services We Provide.

Our local Digital Marketing Services work cohesively together in order to come up with a comprehensive strategy to generate more leads for businesses. We want owners to thrive in their niche, so we work extremely hard to provide quality services in order to ensure they are satisfied with the internet marketing plan.

Google Ads Mangement

People are searching, so get more leads by serving the right ad, at the right time, with the right offer.

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Search Engine Optimization

Get ranked on the most popular Search Engine w/ specific keywords & generate more leads and traffic.

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Facebook Advertising

People are consistently on their social media feeds. Target with great accuracy & receive more leads & brand awareness.

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Every Digital Marketing Strategy Must Have a Sales Funnel


We are not in the business of building 'flash in the pan' type strategies to get quick wins and allow the strategy to fizzle out. We want your business to grow and sustain in its niche.

At Decisive Digital Marketing, we utilize a combination of Search Engine Optimization, Paid Social, and Paid Search with the purpose to reach the right person, serve the right offer, at the right time in order to generate leads and sales. We believe in a marketing funnel and that not all traffic is equal, so they fit in three categories.

Below is the funnel that we utilize in order to be the most profitable.

Marketing Sales Funnel

TOFU (Not the soy-based food): At the 'top of the funnel', the strategy is to generate awareness to the website, and provide value for the search query or targeted audience by serving customized ads. This stage is mainly to capture people that are considered 'cold traffic' that are completely unaware of the businessWe want people to go to the website.

MOFU: The 'middle of the funnel' is where people are in the consideration phase, and submit their information to find out more. They are shopping around for the 'best' solution to their needs.

BOFU: The 'bottom of the funnel' traffic is where a 'no-brainer' offer must be given in order to capture the sale/lead. 

All strategy must push all traffic into a funnel where you can achieve the best results.

Why Choose Decisive Digital Marketing for Your Strategy?

It's simple.

We care about YOU! 

We are not going to waste your money.

We want to generate leads for your business.

We want your company to thrive & our relationship to grow into something wonderful.